Five Great Universities in Germany

Five Great Universities in Germany

Five great universities in Germany; are you looking for the five best universities that you can attend in Germany? This article will provide accurate data on the top best universities Germany.

Five great universities in Germany; are you looking for the five best universities that you can attend in Germany? This article will provide accurate data on the top best universities Germany.

The University of RWTH Aachen

Five great universities in Germany

It has grown since then to become Germany’s most significant technical university. It now has classes in management, building, engineering, life sciences and medicine, arts and humanities, natural sciences and social sciences, and more.

RWTH Aachen built the first wind tunnel and particle accelerator in the world. A groundbreaking aeroplane made of metal and a diesel soot filter are two essential innovations made on-site.

The university also has strong ties to business and has become Europe’s version of Silicon Valley.

The Humboldt University in Berlin

Five great universities in Germany

The Humboldt University of Berlin is in Berlin, the country’s capital and a famous place for international students to go to school.

The medical school, shared with the Free University of Berlin, is one of the university’s nine schools.

Around the main building of Humboldt University on Unter den Linden Boulevard are several ancient buildings, museums, and art galleries. 

Some famous people who attended or taught at the university are scientists Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Erwin Schrodinger, folk tale collectors Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, and philosopher Karl Marx.

The University of Heidelberg

The University of Heidelberg

The oldest university in Germany is Universitat Heidelberg, created in 1386.

About 20% of the students are from other countries, representing 130 nations. Over one-third of graduate students come from outside of the United States.

The university has 160 different study options that lead to undergraduate and graduate degrees. Some subfields created by academics at Heidelberg are psychiatric genetics, modern sociology, and environmental physics.

The university is known for its cutting-edge study and intellectual contributions in many areas. This university has been linked to 27 Nobel laureates; nine won the prize while teaching there.

Many influential politicians, thinkers, and scientists attended or are affiliated with the university. Max Weber, who started modern sociology, and Hannah Arendt, a philosopher, are two examples.

People all over the world know Heidelberg as the birthplace of German Romanticism. The Old Town and castle are two of Germany’s most popular tourist spots.

LMU München

LMU München is one best University in Germany

Since it opened in 1472, LMU Munich has been one of Germany’s oldest colleges.

The university has ties to 42 Nobel laureates, such as Otto Hahn, Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg, all well-known experts.

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, to give it its full name, has the second-largest student body of any university in Germany. About 13% of the total student body are international students.

Since the end of the 18th century, the university has been firmly focused on the natural sciences and has created research and innovations that are among the best in the world.

Since it began in 2005, the German Universities Excellence Initiative has given money to LMU Munich and other top universities in the country and one of the five great universities in Germany.

Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

One of the Five great universities in Germany is the above University. Science and technology are the only subjects taught at the Technical University of Munich, a state university.

From 1927 to now, 17 Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, and medicine have been given to university professors.

When it opened in the 1800s, the university was mainly about engineering. However, over the years, it has grown to include the natural and social sciences, health, agriculture, brewing and food technology, and more. There are a lot of different specializations available in engineering and IT across three areas.

“The entrepreneurial university” is the main idea behind the school’s growth, which now has 15 departments spread out over three grounds in and around Munich.

This article has pointed out the five great universities in Germany; there are more similar articles on this site that can help you fulfill your dream in education and scholarships.

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