Application for Rotary Global Grant Scholarship USA 2023–2024

Application for Rotary Global Grant Scholarship USA 2023–2024

Move to study in the USA with the Rotary Global Grant Scholarship. The application portal is currently open for International Students.

Application for Rotary Global Grant Scholarship USA 2023–2024, move to study in the USA with the Rotary Global Grant Scholarship. For International Students, the application portal is presently active.

The Rotary Global scholarship permits for a Master’s level program (s) in any subject offered at the Rotary Foundation to improve goodwill.

Let us assist you on the procedure of the application process


Rotary’s Global grants fund large-scale foreign programs that achieve long-term and verifiable results in the organization’s areas of focus. Collaborating to address genuine community issues strengthens Rotary clubs and districts’ global ties.

For more Guide to Global Grants on how to organize, apply for, carry out, and report on your project read further on this article.

Global grants can be used to finance project for charities, graduate school bursaries, and professional teams that go to other nations to teach locals in their field or enhance their own education in it.

In order to provide humanitarian services, promote world peace and goodwill, and encourage cross-cultural understanding, Rotary International unites individuals from a variety of professions.

The organization was founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1905 by an attorney named Paul Harris. It has since developed into a global network with 1.2 million members from over 200 countries around the world

Promoting peace, battling sickness, providing clean water, saving women and children, assisting with education, and boosting local economies are just a few of Rotary International’s six main areas of concern.

The organization fulfills its aim through a so many of projects, such as school construction, distribution of clean, eradication of polio, and promotion of mass literacy.

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and the Rotary Peace Fellowship are only two of the many programs and activities offered by Rotary International to help young leaders.

The business is adequately work to supply a warm and inclusive environment for all of its employees as part of its effort to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


  • Rotary Global Grant Scholarships, 2024-25, USA. It is only offered to Rotary Foundation Master’s level programs.


This scholarship program allows you to study the following disciplines.


The minimum budget for global grants is $30,000, with a maximum World Fund award of $400,000. Grant sponsors can fund a global grant using a combination of District Designated Funds (DDF), cash, and/or a combination of the two. All DDF contributions will be matched by the Foundation at an 80 percent World Fund match. There is no minimum World Fund match requirement.


International students are eligible for the scholarship.


Before submitting an application for a global grant, both the district or club in the nation where the activity is conducted and the international partner district or club must first meet the requirements. You can plan how to use your District Designated Funds and find out how to qualify your club by learning more about the Your club and district Rotary Foundation chairmen.


Early in the planning process, consult with local experts to develop a compelling project plan and worldwide funding proposal. The district resource network (see below) can help. Apply

Your application must specifically outline how your project, scholarship, or team for vocational training:

  • Is sustainable — consists of strategies for long-term success after the money from the global grant have been used.
  • Includes measurable goals
  • Aligns with one of Rotary’s areas of focus
  • Responds to real community needs — any club or district that applies for a global grant to support a humanitarian project or a vocational training team must conduct a community assessment first and design the project based on what they learn through that assessment.
  • Actively involves Rotary and community members
  • To be eligible, you have to meet the requirements in the terms and conditions of the grant

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Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed as they’re received. Learn more about the

For scholars who will begin their studies in August, September, or October, sponsoring clubs and districts must submit their applications to the Rotary Foundation by June 30.